stretching relaxers regimen
I usually relax my new growth (NG) well-nigh anywhere between every 12-sixteen weeks. The longest I accept stretched was upwards to 17 weeks. Now…I am currently at 28 weeks into my stretch. From keeping the pilus well moisturized to figuring out how to style it, it has been extremely challenging. I have experienced mostly tangling which I have managed to conquer. Without the utilize of a great conditioner, wide tooth comb and having patience…the stretch would take ended a long time ago.
Photo taken end of April 2012
Relaxing 4-six weeks seems to be the norm for many relaxed women to get a touch-upwards, the new growth (NG) that is… The average growth of pilus for many of us happens to be half an inch per month. If you calculate this with the corporeality of 4-6 weeks of getting a affect-up, there is not much NG to relax. Most likely there will be overlapping of the relaxer which can crusade a slew of things that tin deteriorate the health of the hair. We are talking about dry, brittle, breakage, thin and over processed hair.
Recollect that the new growth is stronger than the relaxed hair because it is "virgin" (without whatever chemic treatment). The area where the relaxed pilus and natural pilus meets is called the Line of Demarcation (or Demarcation Line) and happens to be the weakest. Without the proper intendance of the ii textures combined, the hair can hands break off in that expanse causing brusque hairs to stick out every which style.
Stretching is a bang-up mode to convalesce the in a higher place mentioned problems. Maximizing the amount of time betwixt touch-ups can do good many. The more than NG there is, the more one can see where the relaxer should be applied during the next touch-up session. This means the less experience of overlapping, over processed hair and much thicker hair. E'er recollect that you volition exist dealing with two different hair textures. To some information technology will be frustrating and to some it will exist a breeze to manage. Be prepared and embrace the process along the style.
A good thing sometimes can be a bad thing for some. Stretching may non work for everyone. Some experience more shedding, severe breakage and the pilus tangles a lot, causing knots. When that happens, it is an indication that stretching is not working.
Moisture is extremely important during the time between touch-ups…anytime. Co-washes (washing the hair with a moisturizing conditioner), Prepoos (oil treatment) and deep conditioning will keep the hair manageable and soft.
Protein treatments are extremely important to rest the hair'south force with the wet. This tin be done on a monthly basis to ensure that the hair is strong enough to withstand the stretching. Be cautious with the amount of protein that is used. Too much of poly peptide tin can cause the pilus to feel dry and cause the pilus to pause. Using a moisturizing conditioner afterwards volition keep everything balanced and it is a must.
Protective styling and low manipulation is a great fashion to maintain the hair during stretches. The less the hair is messed with, the less breakage and stress to the hair strands. Some protective styles that tin help during stretches are braids, weaves, buns, roller sets, rod sets, etc. Complect outs works great likewise and the reward of this is because the NG and the processed hair blends well together. This in plow too lessens the amount of tangling.
Hither are some tips has helped me during my stretch:
- I pre-poo before launder day by oiling my scalp and NG, put on a plastic cap and satin scarf overnight.
- Employ a broad tooth comb to detangle with conditioner while sectioning the hair.
- Protein treatments are done monthly to reinforce the strength of my hair.
- I do a blackness tea rinse every so oft to irksome down the shedding.
- Moisturize, moisturize, moisturize. I employ either diluted conditioner mixed with coconut oil to spray my NG or Herbal Essence'southward Long Term Relationship Leave In.
- I wash my hair in sections in the shower, wash each one using my fingers in a downward motility to complimentary the shed hair and to keep the hair from re-tangling.
- I co-wash more than I shampoo, shampooing can be drying if done too often.
- I deep condition with a moisturizing conditioner and oil after shampooing.
- Protective styling is a must for me because information technology keeps my hands out of my hair every 24-hour interval.
- Patience – without it, I would not be able to go through this stretch and cause more than harm to my hair.
Promise some of these things help you lot during your stretch. What are tips that you lot tin as well share, what experiences have you encountered that yous learned from?
Cheers for reading and God anoint!
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